lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Preguntas para hacer a la Host Family (Entrevista Skype)

Hola holita!!
Aquí está la prometida entrada con la lista de "posibles preguntas" para hacer a la host family en una entrevista por Skype.
Algunas de las siguientes preguntas son una recopilación de listas que hicieron otras au pairs que a mi me sirvieron y algunas otras las he añadido con él fin de completar lo máximo posible la entrada.

  • How is one day on your family? 
  • What kind of activities do you do on weekends?
  • Do you spend your free time in family? What do you usually do?
  • What type of food do you eat? Do you like cooking and tasting new meals?
  • Are you religious? Do you have any special religious habits?
  • What do you consider most challenging about your children? 
  • How old are the children and what are their names?
  • What do they like to do?
  • What are their personalities like?
  • What are their favorite games and toys?
  • If the child is a baby, is she/he walking and/or talking yet and how do they get there
  • What is your approach to raising your children?
  • Will I be responsible for any household duties that relate to the children?
  • What will my schedule be like and what activities will you expect me to do with the      children??
  • What kind of rules would you ask an au pair to follow?
  • What have your relationships with your au pairs been like? What would you like to be different? What would you like to maintain?
  • What are your expectations for your Au pair?
  • Can you list my responsabilities for each child?
  • How do the children/child tend to respond to the changes in au au pairs?
  • Will I have to drive them? When, to where, how often?
  • What do the au pairs you've had in the past tend to do in their free time? i.e. what is there to do / try in the area of their home? (is there public transportation or will I have the use of a car?)
  • How does your Family (the host family) respect a sense of privacy at home?
  • Can I travel on weekend to anywhere if I have free time?
  • How will be the aupair's room?
  • Would you be fine with me inviting friends or family to visit me?
  • Tell me about the area where you live
  • Are there other families with children nearby?
  • Are there any other au pairs in the area?
  • What kind of study opportunities are offered in your area?
  • What is you name?
  • How old are you?
  • What is you favorite color?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • Do you have pets?
  • What is his/her name? 
  • Do you like going to the park, to the library or to the zoo?
  • What is your favorite cartoon series?
  • What is you favorite film?
  • What is your favorite sport?
  • What is your favorite team?
  • Do you like going to the swimming pool?
  • Can you swim?
  • Do you get on well with your brother/sister?
  • Do you play together?
  • When is your birthday?
  • How do you usually celebrate it?
  • Do you like going to school?
  • Do you have friends at school?
  • Do you like reading books?What course are you in?
  • What do you like to do after school?
  • Do you study Spanish/French/German/… at school?
  • What can you say in Spanish/French/German/…?
  • What is yout favorite subject at school? 
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • Did you have an au pair before? 
  • Did you like the experience of having an au pair? 
  • What do you like to do together?

OJO: El orden de las preguntas lo podéis seguir como queráis. Lo suyo sería empezar preguntando por la familia, niños, lugar donde viven y por último las tareas de la au pair. No aconsejo empezar preguntando directamente por el dinero y ese tipo de cosas... La familia tiene que notar que estáis interesados en ellos.
No todas las preguntas son para la primera entrevista. Muchas de ellas me las reservaría para posteriores entrevistas como "¿Como sería la habitación de la au pair?/¿Podría invitar amigos a casa?/Etc." En resumen, las preguntas que sean más irrelevantes.

También me he tomado la pequeña libertad de poner en rojo las preguntas que de verdad me parecen imprescindibles y pueden pasar desapercibidas a primera vista. Llevo ya 3 semanas en Escocia, algunas de esas preguntas se me olvidaron y su respuesta hubiera sido bastante útil para poder hacerme una mejor idea de lo que aquí me iba a tener que enfrentar.

Agradezco a los siguientes blogs/videoblogs la molestia de redactar una lista de preguntas en inglés para hacernos a las au pairs novatas este proceso un poco más llevadero =)

2 comentarios :

  1. ¡Hola guapa! Muchas gracias a ti por la mención! Cuantas más preguntas mejor! Siempre todo claro! Un beso!!

  2. Holaa holaa!! ahora es que me vengo a topar con tu blog...
    Parece mentira pero varias tenemos una entrada así y siempre se consiguen preguntas que no tienen otra au pair.

    Ya te sigoo... (=

